Healthcare professionals list credentials, experience, and availability in their profiles.
Health facilities list their staffing requirements right here on the application
Facilities can search for a health professional and can make diect booking according to the need.
It has an integrated system that ensures payment security while considering a range of payment gateways.
Two parties rate each other at the end of a work session.
Create a site that enables healthcare facilities to connect directly with available nurses and healthcare staff without paying agency intermediaries.
Empower professionals to control their schedules, set hourly rates, and present their skills and experience.
Streamline and speed up the process for healthcare facilities to find and hire qualified healthcare staff, especially in times of high demand.
Design for an easy-to-use interface appealing to healthcare professionals and facilities, hence profile creation job posting booking, and communication made easy.
An effective system in place will enable the true management of updating the available healthcare staff in real-time.
It is a trusted platform that will allow safe transactions in the process where users' information is received.
Healthcare staff can build up detailed profiles including skill, qualifications, experiences, and availability.
Facilities could directly search and book the healthcare staff without middle agencies and shorten hiring time.
The platform allows the healthcare provider to set an hourly rate as well as select shifts for which they are available, gaining more control over their life and work.
Secure messaging and payment processing ensure safe, transparent communication between healthcare providers and facilities through transactions.
The professionals have control over their schedules and earnings, and the platform has given them more flexibility and freedom.
The facilities reported substantial cost savings in recruiting directly through Airix, thus eliminating the need for traditional staffing agencies.
Healthcare staff and facilities accept the user-friendly interface, as well as the open process, with a significant upsurge in user engagement.